
Posts Tagged ‘hair’


Kate Gosselin

Kate Gosselin of TLC’s “Jon & Kate Plus 8” told Entertainment Weekly “everybody wants” her hair and her hairstylist is getting cross-country calls. 

 I’m surprised it’s taken this long for people to realize this hair-don’t exists.

 This atrocity has been going on since the beginning, it seems like, and has just spiraled (spiked, rather) out of control as the seasons went by.

 Why is the hairstyle getting so much attention? It’ll only make it bigger (pun intended). It’s hard for me to stomach the follicle faux pas, really. To me, it’s like a reversed mullet – a revullet, if you will. A revolting revullet. I don’t care if her hair is super-thick and it feels like Chewbacca is on her head. There is no excuse for that.

 And you thought Rosie O’Donnell’s cropped hair was bad.

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